We cannot afford…

Shilpa Dhobale
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

A random tweet on what are the things we cannot afford to, got me thinking. After a brief hiatus, my poetic soul woke up.

We cannot afford
To abuse the nature
Take the responsibility
A cautious today
For a sustainable future

We cannot afford
To get lost in the rat race
You can feel the content
Best if you follow
Your own pace

We cannot afford
To ignore our health
All said and done
Well-being of mind and body
Is the true wealth

We cannot afford
To live with a grudge
Don’t depend on others
But you give yourself
A constant nudge

We cannot afford
To not overcome our fear
Take the plunge
Believe in your self
All hurdles you can clear

We cannot afford
To not have faced a setback
Failing, wandering and drifting
Helps in many ways
To get back on track

We cannot afford
To not be kind
In the pursuit of being
Purpose of living
You shall find

We cannot afford
To not have friends
Near or far
They let us be
With us they see
difficulties through a positivity lens

We cannot afford
To not pursue our dreams
In that journey and those achievements
Our soul nourishes and beams

Writing this I perhaps realised — taking break from writing I cannot afford.

What is it that you can’t afford? Any comments?

We cannot afford by Shilpa Dhobale



Shilpa Dhobale

Thinker, Reader, Blogger | Budding poet and artist | An emotional and enthusiastic being | Mother of a lovely daughter, who keeps me on my toes all the time.